There once was a snowman named Bradley. But, he lived in Mesa, Arizona. It was the middle of summer. He wanted to go to school.
But, when he was walking to school, he started to melt. He melted befor he got to school. It was dinnertime and Bradley
the Snowman was not home yet so they called the school. But, he didn't go to school cause he was not there that day. So his
parents started to get scared. By the night time it cooled off enough for them to look outside. They started looking on the
way to school. They found the kid's eye's, nose, & mouth. They were so sad. That is when they moved back to the cold.
The end
Haunted School 3-2-01
On Friday October 13th, there was a school that was haunted. It was an old school! There, everything was rusty. The school
had ghosts. One day one of the fifth grade classes heard noises in the cloak room. The cloak room is like a closet. So the
teacher just kept on teaching. Soon again they heard a noise, but this time it was a crying sound. Mr. Bribiescas looked
around to see who was missing. T.J. was missing. The teacher, Mr. Bribiescas went in to the cloak room to see what happened.
There was somebody there with T.J. It was someone Mr. B. did not know. So he said, "Who are you?". Jordan, Eddie,
J.W., Thomas, Cito, J.B. and Sonny went to see what happened. The other person answered, "Why should I tell you?".
Mr. B. said, "Because I said so." "Ok. My name is Mr. Shepard." Mr. B. got scared so he held up a sign
that said "CALL DR. FULLER!" It was Mr shepard from 1965. The End